I Choose You

God, You created free will and the ability to think independently. Why then do you ask me to give up my will, my intellect, my life to You? Don’t get me wrong, Lord. I choose you. In fact, I choose you to the detriment of my social standing with others. But it’s hard choosing YouContinue reading “I Choose You”

WAIT !!!

God, with all due respect to You as Creator of all things created, You sure know how to waste my time. Apparently You see time differently and that’s not good for me. Psalm 90:4 says a thousand years are like a second before You. Na wa o! I guess that explains why You take soContinue reading “WAIT !!!”


Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. Tyrion Lanister- Game of thrones Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is characterized by obsessive thinking about a flaw on a specific part of your face or body that is often imagined or, if present, exaggerated in your mind and hardly noticeable to anyone else.Continue reading “WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO SUFFER FROM BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER”

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